Category Archives: 365

January 1- January 9

I am in the process of figuring out how to just post my pictures for my 365 project on the “365” page on the top of our blog, but for now it will just be posted in both because I want to start getting these pictures posted or I will forget what I have taken!

*disclaimer: I am borrowing my friend Jord’s camera with a fancy lens & she is teaching me how to use it- still learning!- so a lot of this project will be a trial & error, but I am super excited to learn how to capture things in a new way!

Here is the first 9 days…

January 1: a trip to the fabric souk with friends

January 2: a visit with some local girls

January 3: my sweet little ballerinas

January 4: Global Village in Dubai

January 5: Fruit Cocktail goodness

January 6: love this sweet girl

January 7: best Starbucks in the world–one day we will live closer to it!

January 8: Pioneer Woman’s Chicken Spaghetti for dinner- always a hit

January 9: my view every Monday night for the last yearat our dear friend’s house for dinner

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