July 3 – July 9

July 3: finishing up crafts for our 4th of July bash!I think we stayed up till 2 am almost every night leading up to the 4th working on crafts and watching Anne of Green Gables

July 4th: Happy 4th! My first time to make cheery pie- homemade crust, delicious & festive!

July 5: great day on “the other side” (since we live in a border town we only get to venture to our neighboring town with lots of malls & restaurants for our doctors appointments)… day included a loong doc apt., pizza, Starbucks, a little shopping, swimming, & Chili’s for a quick dinner

July 6: burrito bowls, or as they like to call it Sazon night after a restaurant in Lubbock, at the Remkes

July 7: my view… yup, no longer can see my feet!

July 8: perfecting their “ninjas moves” in photo school while we learned about shutter speed (this was taken with a high shutter speed to capture still motion)

#2 for July 8- had to share both of these! love Chase’s face!

July 9: more practice with shutter speed (this one was taken with a really low shutter speed for a blurred motion affect)

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    One Response to July 3 – July 9

    1. The Kowals says:


      I’m having such fun reading up and seeing that Jord is doing a photo school for you and some friends, how fun! You are inspiring me to go and play with different settings and take new photos. I really like the one with Chase and the fast moving car. Very nice 🙂 Hope you guys are well. Miss you and email me with any needs you or the team may have. I would like to send another package soon. Lots of Love,
