February 27- March 5

February 27: Package Day! I love getting “snail mail” and even though it takes about 3 weeks to get to us it is totally worth the wait! Great package from my momma!

February 28: Couldn’t resist taking a picture of Sayla and her sweet ballerina bun head! Love that these girls get to be in my class this year.

February 29: One of my local friends just moved into a new apartment & I went to visit her the other night. She was so proud of the new decorations her sister put up on the walls! They love their wall stickers here.

March 1: Birthday celebration with sweet friends!

March 2: The in-laws flew across the seas to come see us in the desert! It has been such a great visit with lots of hugs, good food, & adventures showing them where we live.

March 3: Walking around Dubai checking out all the huge malls.

March 4: Chase’s pop welcoming us back from school.

March 5: After lunch tea at a new local restaurant- Iraqi food…. pretty tasty!

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