March 31 – April 6

March 31: Spring doily wreath- Jord & I made these & it only took an hour! (well Jord did spend several hours to dye the pink dollies…) Chase said it’s the best craft project ever: quick, cheap & cute! ha

April 1: “ducan” (small store) by our school- great during breaks for any foodstuff you might need!

April 2: We did a progressive dinner with some friends of ours… we started out with appetizers at our house- I made taco bites!

April 3: I didn’t take a picture all day and remembered when it was time for bed. Not a great pic, but… I love our bed, especially right now- it feels so good at the end of the day.

April 4: sunset & soccer in our neighborhood

April 5: one of my favorite things about living in another country is getting to met people from all over the world! we had some sweet new friends stay with us & she brought me these great earrings & tea spices from Zanzibar (she didn’t even know that chai tea is one of my favorite drinks ever!)

April 6: went to a “wadi” (or valley with mountains with small water pools at the bottom) with our dear friends- it was great to be outside enjoying the few days we have left before it gets unbearably hot here! I am worn out though from hiking & swimming!

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    One Response to March 31 – April 6

    1. roxanne says:

      Yeah- I am on your blog! Thanx again for your awesome hospitality! We loved meeting you all and are asking our Father to bring even more blessing into your lives! Much love sister!