Author Archives: Chase & Britt


I know this is several weeks late, but I still wanted to document Lydia’s first Easter!

A few days before Easter we went to Drew and Jord’s house to dye eggs (Liddy napped- next year she will want to be involved!) and of course we had to make deviled eggs with them… Chase and I’s Easter fav.

After the Good Friday service in her Easter Dress!

love this grin of hers

Our 3rd sunrise service in the desert! I love going to this service, one of the most encouraging days of the year! Praise be to Jesus for He has Risen and Lives!

Amazing the difference a year makes! This was taken after the service, Liddy went down for a 3 hour nap after getting up at 5:30 am. (notice Chase is wearing the same hat, but it is a bit more worn out after a year!)

Our delicious Easter breakfast that we enjoyed with great friends!

Easter basket time! Lydia got so excited about it… I was pleasantly surprised about it, I wasn’t sure if she would react, but she got totally into it…. it was so cute. She got a book that changes colors in the bathtub, a light up stackable toy and I made her a little bunny to chew on and covered 3 plastic eggs with yarn and filled them with beans- she loves shaking them. I also made a pacifier clip. I had so much fun putting together her basket, I look forward to many more baskets for our sweet little bug!

Here are two other spring crafts Lydia and I made! Since we don’t really have a spring here, Jord taught me how to make flowers to bring spring to our house!

 “And if Christ has not been raised, our preaching is useless and so is your faith. But Christ has indeed been raised from the dead, the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep.” 1 Corinthians 15:14, 20

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    half a year

    does that mean in another half a year Lydia will be one?! Can’t be true!

    A few things I am thankful for in the past 6 months: to be on this parenthood journey with Chase, to get to wonder if her bath water is too hot, if she is comfortable in her carseat, if she got enough milk from me, if she is crying because she has teeth coming in, to see her sit by herself for the first time, to celebrate when she does something new, to cuddle with her when she wakes up, to rock her to sleep, to feel pain when she cries, because it shows me a fraction of love that Christ has for me, to pray for her each and everyday that she would be healthy, have friends, grow to know, love and follow Jesus, and for her future husband…. am thankful to be her mom.

    Sleep: Lydia’s 6th month has probably been her worst month of sleep thus far… For some reason (maybe teething, maybe growing… who knows?) this month she has decided to stop sleeping through the night and has been going through “nap strikes” once a week or more… sigh. I know I don’t have much room to complain as far as sleep, because overall she has been a great sleeper, but when you aren’t used to waking up in the middle of the night, it’s rough. Her favorite time as of late has been 4 am. We finally moved her to her own room/crib this last week- she has spent 2 actual nights in there because of A/C issues and traveling. We let her “cry out” both times at 4 am and she went back to sleep! And then has been waking up around 6:45 am to eat… which is totally doable. We also stopped swaddling her arms this month… she just sleeps in a sleep sack with her arms out! It took a little bit, but she can do it now. Poor girl, had to adjust to lots of changes in her sleep habits this month.

    Clothes: She has been wearing 3-6 month and 6 month clothes. She has a ton of cute stuff that I have almost not had to repeat anything! I just love dressing her up. It is getting hotter and hotter here so we are pretty much done with socks, pants and jackets. Hello summer! I am loving putting one piece rompers on her. She is in size 2 diapers and has had less and less blow outs, which is super nice.

    Food: She is still breastfeeding 5-7 times a day about every 3 hours. She has added the 7th feeding the middle of the night this month, but hoping we will drop it soon as she continues to sleep in her own room. We started rice cereal on March 26! She seemed to like it that day, she especially liked grabbing the spoon from me and playing with it. We have had a crazy busy two weeks so I haven’t been super consistent in giving her rice cereal (I also have given her oatmeal twice, once with cinnamon) and haven’t tried anything else, but once our guests leave I will start to introduce new stuff. I have a feeling she is not going to want to be spoon feed much and just want to do it herself- we’ll see. Oh, I also gave her a cucumber stick to suck on- she made a funny face at first, but then I think she liked it.

    Travel: For most of this month we stuck close to home. It was so nice. She actually got to take most of her naps in her own bed and not the carseat… a first for her. At the end of the month we did take a trip to Sohar and two other coastal cities, Sur and Muscat. She has become a little more impatient in the carseat for long trips- I think she gets board, looking at pics on my phone still calms her down & makes her giggle… I am going to need to put some movies on our iPad soon and get a strap for the car so she can watch stuff… crazy that even at this age they love technology.

    New Tricks and other fun stuff: 

    * March 28 she started sitting all by herself with no help! At the beginning of the month she could do it with my help or a pillow, but then just one day she stayed for over a minute without our help! Its crazy how quickly that changes. She still needs us to be close by because she will topple over eventually.

    can you tell I couldn’t decide which picture to use?!

    *She loves the walker that we are borrowing from a friend (thanks Katie)- its so cute to see how excited she gets in it, she also moves backward in it.

    *She rolls over from front to back and back to front really well now and loves doing it.

    *She pushes up on her arms and turns herself in circles and looks like crawling is just around the corner! (at least scooting)

    *She loves to hear herself “talk” and has been really working on her vocal cords- sometimes she is so loud Chase and I can’t hear each other over her! I think we will have a talker on our hands- not sure where she got that from?? 😉

    *She lays on her back and scoots all around the room on her back, thus causing her too keep her bald spot on the back her head!

    *She loves to stand and jump. She.does.not.sit.still. She is going to be an active one… again,  not sure where she gets that from? 😉

    *She still loves people, she lights up when people talk to her and give her attention. Our little social butterfly. However, if a local woman with a black shayla (head scarf) on takes her from me she sticks out her bottom lip and cries, however, a local with a colored shayla she is just fine…

    *She loves the sound of wipe packages, playing/sucking on water bottles, my Chewbeads are still a huge hit, playing with her feet, she responds to her name being called and laughs for no reason- just cuz she is a happy girl.

    *She got her first drink of water this month… she wasn’t quite sure what to do with the water bottle at first, but now likes it!

    *She went to the zoo for the first time this month, she mostly slept through it, but It was fun to have her there with us.

    *Whenever you have something in your hand or something is in front of her and she sees it she opens her mouth real wide, bobs her heads, and leans in to try and put it in her mouth! It is too cute.

    Stats: (on March 28th- 6 month check up)

    *Weight: 15 lbs. 4 oz., 50%

    *Height: 25.8 inches, 50%

    Liddy bug, 

    We love you so much! What a wonderful half a year it has been! You make our hearts swell with joy. Sometimes we just go into your room and look at you while you are sleeping and smile at each other. We still can’t believe you are ours and that God loaned us you to raise, love and cherish always. You have grown and learned so much this month! So fun to watch. Happy half birthday sweet angel. 

    love, momma & daddy 

      Posted in Mcnugget | 2 Comments

      lots of firsts

      this is a post that I have been wanting to write since Lydia’s first bath! Better late than never right? And now I have lots more “firsts” to share! So crazy/fun to see how tiny she was and how new everything was… and continues to be as we encounter all her firsts!

      first manicure… looking forward to the days of doing nails with my baby girl

      we were so nervous to cute those teeny tiny nails- thanks Gramzi for the help!

      first bath on October 6th

      Gramzi teaching me how to do it while daddy video taped… super hard when they are so tiny & slippery

      excited first time parents! (looking lovely at 3 days postpartum…)

      oh so sweet, cuddly, clean, and smelling good!

      first time in bouncy chair- not interested in her toys yet…

      first walk and ride in the stroller

      loved getting out and enjoying the weather as it was starting to cool off especially with my momma

      first playdate with her buddy kg

      first halloween- she was the life of the party!

      first thanksgiving

      first plane ride… and best of all it was to America to go home and meet our all her loved ones for the first time

      1 Samuel 1:27-28  I prayed for this child, and the LORD has granted me what I asked of him.  So now I give him to the LORD.  For his whole life he will be given over to the LORD.   

        Posted in Everyday Life, Family, Mcnugget | 1 Comment

        four and five months

        I cannot (well I sort of can from everything we have had going on) believe two months have gone by since I have blogged about out sweet little girl. And she has changed so much in those two months, I am not sure I can even remember it all.. it happens too quickly! It seems like she has gone from an infant to a baby in a matter of seconds. From newborn cry to a real baby cry, from a wobbly thing that seemed super breakable to a baby with head control and more durability. I know every mother out there can relate, but man the time just seems to fly by! Next month she will start eating solids, and from what I have heard they start to loose that sweet sweet baby smell… I am trying to savor the smell (Yes, I have even gone in to sniff her while she is sleeping…a little crazy, I know).

        Clothes: At 4 months she was still wearing 3 month clothes and pjs. I loved putting her in jackets that matched her outfits while it was still cold enough to do so in the states. She was wearing size 1 diapers. Now, at 5 months, she is wearing 3-6 month and 6 month (with room to grow) clothes and 6 month pjs. It took me a little bit to transistion her to the bigger size (was in a little bit of denial that she was really getting bigger, so I delayed…because she could still wear 3 month stuff), but glad I did because she has so many cute outfits that I want to make sure she gets to wear! In fact I probably put her in 2-3 outfits a day, just so I can make sure she gets to wear them all, yes, she has that many, she was greatly blessed. She is wearing size 2 diapers, they are a little big, but fit better than size 1. 

        Sleep: From what I remember, she slept really well at 4 months, sleeping through the night most nights. Which was such a blessing with us traveling so much. The past week she has been waking up anywhere from 1 -4 times in the night! I am wondering if she is teething? She wakes up with her hands in her mouth rubbing her gums. She goes to bed around 9 or 9:30 and wakes up around 7 and then sleeps till 10:30. And then takes one or two more naps during the day for about 30 mins to an hour. We are not a perfect scheduled out schedule yet (as far as consistent nap times), but she is super flexible which is a blessing.

        Food: She has been eating every 2 1/2 – 3 hours pretty much everyday for the past two months. And goes anywhere from 5-10 hours at night between feedings. She has about one feeding a day where she gets distracted, doesn’t eat much and/or fusses. Not sure why, but when she is done she is still super happy.

        She got her first and only bottle from Chase in January, however, we failed at giving it to her… first, I was in the room watching through tears (it was the first time I hadn’t feed her in 3 1/2 months- big moment) and taking pictures (I know what am I going to be like when she starts kindergarden!), we let my sisters and mom be in the room as well, so she was distracted, she did not like it much at all and cried, but we kept trying (she ate about 1 1/2 oz) and immediately after I nursed her… turns out later I read about how to introduce a bottle and we did all, but having Chase feed it to her wrong! Oops! I am not a fan of pumping (it is just more work for me) and have not stored up much milk, so I am thinking she just won’t ever get a bottle… which I am ok with, I have decided with our life style right now it is just easier for me to feed her (although sometimes it would be nice to be able to be gone for more that 3 hours 😉 ) Better luck with our next kid!

        I can’t believe she will start eating solids next month! Any suggestions or favorite foods please share!

        Travel: The last two months Liddy bug has been from Dallas to Lamesa to Knott to Lubbock to Albuquerque and back to Dallas (that was month 4), then she flew back to Oman, traveled to Dubai to pick up Aunt Aub & Uncle Nate, to Muscat, to Sohar, to Buramai, and back to Dubai! Wehw! A little traveler she is… We are staying put for a little bit, I want her to learn where home is 🙂

        Other: (these are mixed between 4 & 5 months)

        *She rolled over from tummy to back at my mom’s house- I was so proud! And now does it every time she is on her tummy, almost without meaning to.

        *She giggled at Chase for the first time… I could listen to it all day long. She loves it when Chase rubs her shoulders- she giggles and giggles.

        *She puts everything in her mouth, everything.

        *She loves TV, every time it is on she is mesmerized… we are in trouble.

        *When she is sad in the car, tired/board of traveling I play a photo slideshow from my phone with music and she loves it- its so cute to see how much she loves looking at pics of people that love her so much.

        *She loves people… loves to talk, giggle and smile at everyone. Just give her a little attention and you have won her heart.

        *The days where we are just the 3 of us at home (without leaving the house or seeing people) she is more fussy…. I think we have a social butterfly on our hands.

        *She loves to move… her arms, her legs, her eyes- she blinks really fast when you get close to her face… too cute!

        *She has started “talking” a lot more, and loudly.

        *She has been grabbing her gums and rubbing them a lot more.

        *She went to the beach for the first time in February with Aunt Aub & Uncle Nate- she did great!

        *When she is over tired when we put her down at night she stiffens her body and cries and a minute or two and then finally gives in and falls asleep… it’s like she is fighting it, but realizes that maybe she really does what to go to sleep

        *She has discovered her pacci- pulls it out of her mouth and puts it back in. She has even made herself cry because she didn’t have her pacci, but it was because she pulled it out!

        *She loves her Sophie Giraffe, crinkly clothe blocks, piano play mat, momma’s chew bead necklace, and daddy’s finger (well, anyone’s finger really, but esp. dad’s)

         4 month Stats: (on January 31)- am curious as to what she weighs now…

        Weight: 12 lbs 14 oz

        Height: 24 inches

        Percentile: 40%- weight, 45%- height

        Sweet Lydia, 

        We love you so much! We have thoroughly enjoyed life with you these past 5 months. We often talk about how you have stolen our hearts, we tear up when we think about you and how much we love you- never knew if was possible to love someone as much as we love you. You light up whenever you see anyone and your eyes sparkle. We pray that your heart would shine for Jesus in the same way. 

        love, momma & daddy

          Posted in Mcnugget | 6 Comments

          back again

          Well, we made it back to the desert…. about 3 weeks ago, however, we have had some visitors the past two weeks. My little sister, Aubrey and her husband, Nate came to see us… to see where we live, to see a little bit of our everyday life, to see the beautiful country we live in and a bonus they brought us a whole trunk full of more of the spoils Liddy received while we were home! It was a busy, blessing of a trip. I am so glad that they got to come out and get a glimpse into our lives out here. It is so hard to understand until you actually get to come here and taste it for yourself. They were so helpful with Lydia as we are slowly transitioning back into life with out constant help (it has been such a blessing to be with family 24/7- I joke that I don’t know how to take care of her by myself!), they were an encouragement to us and were such fun/easy guests- literally everything we showed them they got excited about and loved experiencing all of it. I will share pictures and stories from their trip once I get the pics loaded on to my computer…

          but until then for the next two days we have decided to have a little “stay-cation” and just be home as a family of 3- we are going to keep our phones in the bedroom & stay off the computers and hit “reset”. We have not slowed down since Lydia was born and haven’t been just the 3 of us since we before America- so it is much needed. We hope to set some goals, plan out the semester, make a schedule for ourselves, unpack, reflect on the past two years, relax and just be. I am really looking forward to it and hope that it is a time of refreshment for our souls.

          I will be returning to the blog world soonish…

          (i have great 4 month pics of Liddy that I can’t wait to share! even though she will be 5 months next week– eeekk time needs to slow down!)

            Posted in Everyday Life | 1 Comment


            Tomorrow we will be getting back on a loooong plane ride to head back to the desert…!

            It is bittersweet because I am going to miss our family & friends here in America. So much it hurts sometimes, especially now that we have Lydia. I will miss certain things in America like Sonic and Target and other conveniences like central A/C and dishwashers. But after two months of being “homeless,” living in suitcases, having to pack and repack every time I turn around, not having a “routine” and time with just our little family of 3 I am ready to head back over, unpack our bags and learn what it means to be a parent and a family of 3. If you asked me 3 weeks ago I would have said I was not ready at all to return, in fact dreading it, but I thank the Lord for His grace in meeting me where I am at and preparing my heart to return. There are a lot of unknowns as we return, sometimes so many its overwhelming, but I am thankful that there are a lot of knowns as well. Two years ago we boarded a plane to a whole world of “unknowns”- we didn’t know the town we were going to live in (well much of it anyway), the place we were going to live, the people we would be doing life with, the language we would be learning or if we would be able to learn it, the food we would be eating, the locals we would become friends with… but today as we get ready to board a plane again, all of those things are known and in fact missed. Two years ago I never thought that would be possible, but by God’s mercy and grace I know it to be true!

            So here’s to another chapter in our adventure with more stories, laughter, tears, joy and pain, but in a place that we call home (for now) and that feels familiar, a place we can unpack our bags and live and try to trust the Lord with each day we live. Oh and we get to return with an precious 4 month old who we could not love more!! Man, we have been blessed by her.

            Family, friends, America… we will miss you and you will always be in our hearts. Thank you for a great two months and for sharing the joy of our Liddy Bug with us. Thank you for places to sleep, food to eat, cars to drive, shoulders to cry on and memories that will last forever.

            We love you.

              Posted in Everyday Life, Travel | 4 Comments

              December 16 – December 31

              Finishing up my 365 from last year… better late than never right? This was a super fun project, I feel like I learned a lot and I love that I have a daily record of the last year of our lives! Looking forward to starting up again next month!

              December 16: fall mixed with winter… love that we got to be in the states for both

              December 17: bath time for sweet Landon

              December 18: cousin play time

              December 19: Christmas card stuffing day

              December 20: love how this picture shows real life! gosh, I love this little boy!

              December 21: “Christmas Day” in Albuquerque

              December 22: driving back to Texas

              December 23: back in dallas for Christmas!

              December 24: Jesus, the light of the world

              December 25: white Christmas in Dallas!

              December 26: there is something super tasty about coffee with plain creamer at breakfast diners

              December 27: snuggles with nanny

              December 28: Mimi, Chase’s grandma came in town just to hold miss Lydia

              December 29: three generations

              December 30: view from my sister’s kitchen window in her newly remodeled house… love that we got to spend a week together here

              December 31: Happy New Years and Cheers to finishing my 365 picture project!

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                3 months!!

                Now that Lydia is 3 1/2 months I am finally getting around to posting about her! It has been a wild month full of adventure, new things, people & places. She has been a trouper through it all!

                Sleep: She is sleeping an average of 7 hours a night! Once and a while she will wake up once in the night to eat, but goes straight back down. She loves little “cat naps” during the day- 15- 20 min. If we are “home” and have some what of a schedule she will normally sleep for 2 hours in the morning (9-11 isn) and then another hour in the after noon (1 isn) and then sometimes another 2 hours in the late afternoon (3 ish). However, we have hardly had “normal” or been home in the past month, so we don’t always get these long naps in. She sleeps really well in the car while traveling- which is a huge blessing. When she is ready for her nap all we have to do is swaddle her (if we are home), put her pacci in, cradle her, and pat her bottom- then she is out- it is the sweetest thing.

                Clothes: She can wear 0-3 month onesies and 3 month bottoms. Her arms & legs are a little long for 3 month one-piece outfits… which is crazy that she would have long anything with us as her parents! She is in size 1 diapers still. PJ’s she is wearing 0-3 month. I am loving putting her in fleece pants and matching hooded jackets! She has yet to wear shoes, I thought I would be a shoe mom cuz they are so darn cute, but they just don’t stay on- so it’s not worth it to me! She started to wear bibs as soon as we got to the states! Classic new mom move, when I was packing for America I didn’t pack any of her bibs because she wasn’t needing them when we left- ha- but of course as soon as we landed she started drooling a ton- like soaking through her clothes & a bib now! They constantly change, its crazy!

                Food: She is eating about 6 times a day- 3 hours apart on average. She continues to do really well with nursing. I haven’t given her a bottle yet, mostly because I have not had any extra time to pump. I keep wanting to, but whenever I think about it we are off to the next event. I hope to let Chase give her, her first bottle and then have one ready for my mom so we can go on a date while in Albuquerque… we’ll see.

                Travels: We have been all over the place this past month… we landed in Dallas, spent a week there, flew to Lubbock/Lamesa, spent a few days there, drove to Albuquerque, spent a week there, drove back to Lubbock & then flew to Dallas for Christmas, drove back to Lamesa for New Year’s, spent a week there, drove to Lubbock, spent a week there, and then drove to Albuquerque and are here now… WOW! Thats a lot of traveling for a little 3 month old! She has done great, but I think she (and I) is done for now. I am hoping that the 2 weeks we have in Albuquerque will give us some rest to gear back up for the looong flight back to the desert.

                Milestones: I have decided to record new things she is doing on the calendar on my phone… I started it at the end of the month, but I hope to keep up with it so I remember the little stuff!

                • December 23: Started pulling herself up while holding our hands using her neck & abs
                • December 25: Started reaching for her toys & holding on to them
                • December 27: Seems like she has started teething! Chase got his first tooth at 2 months… who knows when she will, but she has started to drool a ton, bite on everything, esp her fingers/hands… we’ll see
                • December 31: Holds hands above head & arches back when laying down
                • January 1: Pushes her body back with her legs when laying on her back
                • January 3: Grabbing stuff & putting it directly in her mouth!


                *Lydia got to meet all her grandparents, her aunts & uncles, some great aunts & uncles, all her cousins, & lots of new friends this month! So fun to get to share our precious baby girl with all our family & friends.

                *Lydia loves to smile at everyone she sees and loves people.

                *Her new nickname is “bubbles” because she loves to make & blow bubbles.

                *She is a great travel buddy.

                *She is really easy to read and a super happy baby.

                *She is getting better about the “princess & pee” diaper situation, but still doesn’t love a dirty diaper.

                *She looks like a little “who” girl from Dr. Seuss with her pretty big eyes & long hair that curls up at the top.. love her!

                *She recognizes Chase & I when we come in the room & talk to her… best thing in the world.

                *She loves her cousin Landon, even though every time they “play” together she hits him in the face!

                *She loves to dance and hit herself with her hands against her chest. (sometimes I wonder if she is going to give herself bruises!)


                Thank you so much for being such a trouper with your crazy parents traveling all over the place, for meeting new people, sleeping in different beds/places, for sleeping through the night & for be such a JOY! We love you to the moon and back and can’t remember a day we didn’t have you in our lives. 

                love, momma & daddy

                We weighed her on our home scale this week (1/19) and she was about 12.5 lbs! We have her next Dr. appointment on the 31st right before we head back to the desert, will be interested to get her true stats then.


                  Posted in Mcnugget | 1 Comment

                  December 7 – December 15

                  ok so I realize the year is already over… therefore I am way behind. Something about having a 3 month old and being in a different city every week has caused this…

                  so instead of being stressed out about it (not that I was- ha) I have decided (thanks for the idea Brooke) to take the month of January to finish posting the rest of 2012’s 365 and then start on 2013’s 365 in February (or march)! This way I am not overwhelmed with being super behind and I can still do another 365 this year without feeling behind already. I hope to not let myself get so behind next year… but if I do I am going to give myself grace & continue to enjoy growing in photography & taking random pics of my sweet pea & our everyday life.

                  December 7: nails with Nanny… she slept through the entire 2 hours we were at the nail salon!

                  December 8: I love local coffee shops esp when we get to meet sweet friends at them

                  December 9: tex-mex

                  December 10: woke up to a light dusting of snow… love!

                  December 11: DION’S… I have been waiting for you green chile ham pizza with ranch dressing!!

                  December 12: meeting cousin Landon… I promise Lydia was excited to met him!

                  December 13: kisses from Boompa

                  December 14: meeting Autie Aub for the first time

                  December 15: gorgeous mountains + sunset+ snow + adobe houses = home sweet home

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                    November 28 – December 6

                    still catching up…

                    I am trying out a new photo editing program (Adobe Lightroom) and I am really enjoying it! I know there is so much more I can do with it, but I want to catch up with my 365 for 2012 before 2013 starts.. maybe for my 365 for 2013 I will work on my editing skills?… anyway, its been fun to have a nicer program to edit pics in. Enjoy! Slowly, but surely I will catch up!

                    November 28: i love Christmas

                    November 29: Lydia loves sucking on daddy’s thumb!

                    November 30: Lydia’s frist rain storm

                    December 1: photo shoot with our besties

                    December 2: my carry-on items look much differently these days…

                    December 3: 2 months!

                    December 4: America! Meeting Nanny & Papa for the first time… this one makes me tear up

                    December 5: Texas sunsets… you have been missed- love this view from Chase’s parent’s backyard

                    December 6: Target + Starbucks + new pants + hubby= perfect first date back in America (Liddy got to stay home with Nanny & Papa- thanks!)

                      Posted in 365 | 2 Comments