26 weeks!

How far along? 26 weeks (on June 20th)- can’t believe how much she has grown since the last picture!

Total weight gain: I think 15?

Maternity clothes? Yes- pretty much all maternity now… a few things from my regular clothes still

Stretch marks? None so far!

Sleep: great!- just got a new body pillow that is awesome! Think it will really help as I continue to get bigger

Best moment this week: Babymoon in Thailand with the hubs! Loved getting to relax and feel Lydia move around

Miss Anything? Laying on my back to fall asleep.

Movement: She does this spasm type movement that I read about the other day- they said it is her hiccuping! How crazy/cool is that? It is still so amazing/strange to think that there is someone ALIVE moving around inside of me… I don’t think it will ever get old…

Food cravings: pizza and popsicles

Anything making you queasy or sick: food with rice… the Arab dish that I still can’t swallow is made with rice and I had a fried rice dish in Thailand that made me sick as well… who knows?

Gender: girl!

Labor Signs: Nope- way too early for that!

Symptoms: had majorly swollen feet after our plane ride to Thailand- it was so strange… my toes looked like little sausages

Belly Button in or out? still in… keep waiting for it to pop out!

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and relaxed!

Looking forward to: working on crafty stuff for miss Liddy and her nursery, doing some summer reading about labor and other fun baby books!

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