June 23 – July 2

June 23: week 26! Jord is so great to spend 1 hours (or more) writing my boards, rearranging furniture and then taking pics of my belly every other week! about 8 more to go!

June 24: lots of picture editing and blog checking up…

June 25: I made lemon scones with lemon whip cream for a going away tea for a friend before she went home for the summer

June 26: checking out a new local coffee shop during a school lunch break- not too bad for our little town

June 27: red, white and blue nails… getting ready for the 4th!

June 28: Yemeni food.. Lydia let me eat it! yum…

June 29: 2nd time to change our locks since we moved into this house… sad day- got my computer stolen this last week ;(

June 30: 4th of July wreath! Excited for our party with all our American friends this week!

July 1: We started a photo school last week with Jord as our teacher! I am loving it so far and loving reading about photography- this week we worked on the Aperture- notice that the orange pencil is in focus and everything else is blurry- this is caused by a smallerĀ  aperture number, which is actually a larger hole letting more light into your camera!…. sorry for the geek out moment it is just fun to start to understand what my camera is doing as I am taking pictures. This was taken at a f-1.4 (for those that care- ha)

July 2: for our Photo School we are given different assignments- since we talked about aperture we were asked to take pictures of the same object at different apertures- this one was taken at an f-5.6

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