Our “lil firecracker” at 28 weeks!

How far along? 28 weeks on July 4th! (hints the “lil firecracker” t-shirt! – isn’t that cute, Jord’s sister’s friend sent it to her along with a bunch of other 4th of July decor…so sweet she thought of me in my preggo state!)

Total weight gain: I think 17

Maternity clothes? Yes- pretty much all maternity now… wishing I could wear shorts & t-shirts and sundresses… trying to be content with what I have to wear in the heat…

Stretch marks? None so far!

Sleep: great… as long as the A/C is turned on a few hours before bed. Also, have been waking up with an earache lately… Dr. said its normal during pregnancy- so strange.

Best moment this week: When Chase and I were praying he had his hand on my tummy and he felt Lydia move, but he said it felt like she ran her elbow or something down his hand… I love seeing how excited he gets every time he feels her move!

Miss Anything? Laying on my back to fall asleep…. Laying on my tummy… not needing to pee everything 30 min or so! Ha

Movement: She has been starting to get her little feet up in my ribs… I can’t imagine what it will feel like as she continues to grow! Love it!

Food cravings: anything cold, chocolate chip mint ice cream

Anything making you queasy or sick: certain Arab food still… along with the smells of it and Indian food…

Gender: girl!

Labor Signs: Nope

Symptoms: earaches, shortness of breath, achy lower back if I have been standing all day or walking a lot

Belly Button in or out? OUT! Jord, told me the other day that I couldn’t call it an “in-ie” anymore- ha!

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and enjoying pregnancy, but moody more when I am outside in the heat

Looking forward to: meeting our little girl in 11 ish (give or take) weeks!!

We had a doctors appointment this week… It was not ordinary appointment… from start to finish it was about 5 hours (but we got to leave the hospital for about 2 ½ of those hours.. for Pappa John’s Pizza- yum) The reason for this Looong appointment was because I had my sugar test (had to drink that orange sugary drink that I have heard to much about…it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, however, about 45 min after I drank it I started to feel a bit off and really wanted some food!) and had to get my blood drawn twice. Once to check if I have diabetes or not (praise the Lord I don’t’!) and two, because I have O-negative blood and Chase has O-positive blood- we found this out a while ago, but apparently it is not good if the two blood types mix, so they had to check to make sure my blood and the Lydia’s blood had not mixed and to see if it was reading negative or positive right now. After waiting 3 hours after they drew the blood for that, it came back that it was negative, but the bloods had not mixed- which is a good thing, however, I still had to get an injection to keep the bloods from mixing, or something like that. So I had to be brave and roll on my side, without Chase in the room (he was paying for the shot) and get an injection in my behind! Good times…

Praying that there are no complications with our different bloods, not sure what it all entails, but just praying she continues to grow and develop well and that I can carry her full-term. Thankful for our little girl and the time we have gotten to know her so far! (I know that sounds strange, but I feel like somehow I know her a little bit already, so special that i get to carry her in my belly- love this job!)


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    5 Responses to Our “lil firecracker” at 28 weeks!

    1. carly says:

      Oh loot you are so stinking cute! Praying for you and baby Lydia every day!

    2. Glenda McGough says:

      Love the pictures! So very cute! It only gets better from here. So glad you are enjoying and cherishing all things about being pregnant. And, can just imagine Chase’s excitement when she moves. Much love, hugs and kisses!

    3. Hannah says:

      Yeah!! You’re getting so close! I had the same blood type issue with Jada and our doc here said it is very routine (we didn’t do anything to check her blood even). They just administered the shots and said we were good to go! No fun to get shots in your behind though! Love you guys!

    4. Liz says:

      Sweet Friend, you are beautiful & glowing!! So excited for you & Chase! We love you guys & can’t wait to meet up in TX in the States & meet Lydia too!! Praying for all 3 of you. Miss you!!

    5. Mandi says:

      Josh and I had the blood issue too. I did a lot of research about the injection when I was pregnant with M. We decided not to get the injection when I was pregnant, because the only way the bloods would be an issue is if yours & baby’s blood mixed. The only time yours & this baby’s bloods can mix is if you have an operation, trauma to your belly (car accident or major fall landing on your tummy), or during birth. If you have an operation or trauma during your pregnancy you have 48 or 72 (can’t remember which!) hours to get the injection and for it to still “work”. If your bloods mix during birth, it does nothing to your baby. The only problem is if you have a RhD positive baby and your bloods mix during birth (if you have a normal delivery with no complications, the chance yours & baby’s blood mixing is still very small) then the blood type can be an issue for your NEXT baby. We decided to wait until M was born and find out what blood group she was before we decided if I should get the injection. We just think if an injection or procedure is not necessary, why do it. Everyone is different though! 🙂 The medical field can be very quick to administer unnecessary drugs – sadly a lot of the time it’s just about making an extra buck! Either way you & Chase are going to have a beautiful, healthy baby girl in a few months!!! 🙂