23 weeks…

How far along? 23 weeks (December 15)

Total weight gain: haven’t had time to get on a scale! I guess I will just wait till after the holidays- going to enjoy some yummy food this year!

Maternity clothes? Yes! Need to buy some winter maternity clothes… it is cold here in America!

Stretch marks? Nope

Sleep: pretty good

Best moment this week: feeling Chloe kick and move more consistently- and Jord got to feel her too before we left!

Miss Anything? laying on my stomach and coffee at anytime of the day (still enjoying some decaf in the afternoons thou!)

Movement: Yes! She is not as active as Lydia but is consistent which this momma likes!

Food cravings: nothing really just food 🙂

Anything making you queasy or sick: still can’t finish a meal without spitting out the last bite or two- guess this will last the whole pregnancy

Gender: girl!!

Labor Signs: Nope

Symptoms: lower back pain

Belly Button in or out? out!

Wedding rings on or off? on

Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy and tired (could be because of all the moving, packing and traveling- but I think it is a combo)

Looking forward to: my family seeing me pregnant in person, for them to feel Chole move and get to share in this time with our family now that we are back in the states….

yup we made it home yesterday afternoon! Will post more on this later… until then Merry Christmas Eve Eve!

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    One Response to 23 weeks…

    1. Georgia says:

      I know it’s bitter sweet but I’m glad you made it home safely. Maybe we can get together in the upcoming months. I plan a spring trip to the FW area each year. This year I will have two girls with me. Eek!