the small things…

in life are super sweet these days. I wouldn’t say that I am homesick yet, but I am having to adjust to the slower pace of life. It has been strange going from 100 miles a minute to practically nothing. We have been resting the past couple of days… trying to gear up for school, wind down from all that has happened over the past year, and adjust to a new way of life. I am in general not the greatest “rester” there ever was… so it will be a learning process for me. I have already discovered that I am going to need to have at least one outing everyday to get some fresh air, see the sun, and explore. Here the woman generally stay inside (at least that is what I have seen so far… and they are smart for it cuz it is only going to get hotter- so they are where the A/C is!) and so when we have gone for walks I am one of the few woman out. Once we start making local friends I hope to join the women inside, but for now my only way out is to go for walks with Chase- which has been great so far.

Since I have a hard time just laying around & not being some what productive, last night I decided to craft!  We needed to add a little Valentine cheer to our apartment, so I made a heart garland with crocheted yarn & cut out kindergarden hearts from construction paper… I had fun!

For dinner we made pancakes and eggs – we love breakfast for dinner! In the states this was a common dinner for us and I generally never cooked bacon, sausage or ham with it, however, last night I was wishing that we had it! I am not really sure why except for the fact that I can’t have it or buy it here. Guess I should have had it more often while we could…

Nothing else is really new here except we are currently looking for a car so we can explore further than our neighborhood and get around easier! All is good in the McGough household- we have much to be thankful for!

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    One Response to the small things…

    1. Malinda Wieczorek says:

      Love the hearts you made!!…so glad you are able to keep up your love of crafting over there. I’m glad you are resting, but knowing you as well as I do, I know that it will drive you crazy after too much of it…haha. But take advantage of it while you can, you need it after the last few months you two have had! I’m sure you will find lots to do once you are there for awhile. Love reading your blogs…and love you mucho!!
      Mom W.