Tag Archives: Parties
summer celebrations
I have been up since 6:30 am (it is now 9:15) and I finally decided to stop fighting it and just get up and do something on my to do list– catching up on the blog…
It has been so fun having Jord here for almost a year now (hard to believe!) for many reasons, but one of my favs is throwing parties with her! She is so talented and has so many great ideas. I love getting to help plan, craft, decorate and cook for parties she is throwing. This summer we have had a several fun ones and have 4 coming up soon! (one of them being miss Lydia’s baby shower!)
While Jord’s sister, Kirsti, was in town they threw me a SNAP Photography party for my birthday! It was originally supposed to be a 30th birthday dinner for Jord, but since Kirsti was here during my birthday Jord wanted to throw it for me instead- sweet friend (we will be doing her 30th birthday with a fall theme in September- only a few months late.. ha) Anyway, they went all out with the food, decor and a super fun photo booth. For more details on the food and decor check out their awesome blog.
The photo booth was a huge hit- fun had by all!
24 weeks!
I am blessed with great friends- thanks for helping me celebrate my 26th year of life! (p.s. don’t ask what Jord and I were doing- we don’t know…?)
The food table… there was all sorts of yummy “photo” themed food items like Photatoes, Snappy Cupcakes and Photobomb Brownies
4th of july Desert Bash…
Since we don’t live in the USA, but still love our country and are proud to be Americans, we thought is only proper to throw a BIG party and invite all the Americans living in our town to celebrate the 4th. We had about 50 Americans at the Remke house…! We asked everyone to bring a side dish or dessert and since Americans love a good pot-luck BBQ we had plenty of delicious food, drinks and desserts.
*I can only take credit for a few of these pics- my camera died right as the party was starting :(.. thanks Jord for sharing yours!
We worked on the decor for several weeks leading up to the 4th while watching Anne of Green Gables
I made these pies! – thank you pintrest for the flag cherry pie idea:)
For fireworks we did these massive candles that are actually used on indoor birthday cakes out here, confetti poppers for the kids, and diet coke with Mentos for “firework” rockets (I didn’t know this before, but if you put about 6 Mentos into a 2 liter diet coke bottle the coke shoots up about 8-10 feet!). These were great replacements for fireworks and made it really feel like the 4th!
Always need a belly pic… 28 weeks!
Also, a fun fact: as people were arriving for the party at 5:30 pm someone told us it was 120 degrees outside! How’s that for a HOTT 4th?!
Happy (very late) 4th! Hope you all had fun celebrating yours! We hope to make this an annual tradition out here… helps make it not as hard to be away from home during holidays (all thats missing is family and our stateside friends)