Showered with love

March 8th my mom and sister, Aubrey with the help of my mother-in-law, Glenda threw Chloe and I a gorgeous baby shower! We were so blessed and spoiled by everyone who came and all the gifts Chloe received!

The theme was owls with the colors pink, turquoise, green and gray. All colors matching the quilt my mom made for Chloe. It was so cute with such fun details. We made sugar cookies for the favor and there was a diaper raffle- if the guests brought a package of diapers then their name got entered into a drawing for a fun prize!

The food included lots of my favorite things: tomato basil bruschetta, chocolate covered pretzels, fresh fruit with a yummy pineapple cream cheese fruit dip, green chile pin wheels, cupcakes and raspberry sherbet punch, and decaf coffee with whip cream!

It was fun to get to see everyone pregnant this time! For Lydia I was thrown a sip and see after she was already out- so no one got to see me preggo 🙂

Of course Lydia made an appearance and was a hit! She loved “helping” me open all the gifts and she even got a few gifts of her own. (notice her pouring her new baby bottle into her milk cup)


My girls with two out of their three wonderful grandmas… we are so blessed by these two!


Auntie Aubs! (we missed you Auntie Brooke)

Am so thankful that I get to be these girl’s momma! What a great task I have ahead of me to raise them and teach them to love the Lord and be women after His own heart. I pray that the Lord will go before me and prepare me to do this well. Can’t wait till I get to hold both of these sweeties in my arms.

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    2 Responses to Showered with love

    1. Georgia says:

      I love it! It’s so gorgeous! I can’t wait to see her little room. 🙂

    2. Liz McQueen says:

      Love! Love all of the pics! You are glowing and beautiful as ever! Lydia and Chloe are 2 blessed girls to have you as their Mom! Can’t wait to see pics of Chloe! Hang in there friend… she’ll be here before you know it! 🙂